Tuesday, December 15, 2009
why not try it?
so i was just reading doctor mercola's blog this morning and he was suggesting sodium bicarbonate, (aka baking soda, a simple mineral) as a remedy for the swine flu. his basic theory is that baking soda alkalinizes the body by helping to maintain the ph in the bloodstream. if the body has the right ph, the immune system can function properly, thus warding off potential viral attacks. this makes total sense to me as through my studies of acid and alkaline/ph balance i understand that the body, when too highly acid, becomes like a welcome mat to not only viral attacks, but cancers and all sorts of other diseases. the recommended doses are as follows:
* Day 1 -- Take six doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals
* Day 2 -- Take four doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals
* Day 3 -- Take two doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter ½ teaspoon in glass of cool water each morning until cold symptoms are gone
certainly it doesn't hurt to try this remedy, as baking soda is harmless. dr. mercola cautions to use bob's red mill baking soda, as it does not contain aluminum. arm and hammer does!
a book published by arm and hammer in 1924 states:
“In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘Flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.”
dr. mercola also goes on to reference the work done by dr. tullio simonici in treating cancers with injections of sodium bicarbonate. i am familiar with dr. simonici's work and if indeed baking soda diffuses tumors within a week, the medical community better start paying attention. unfortunately medicine is a big business and there isn't a lot of money to be made in cancer treatment if all it takes is a shot of baking soda. . .
anyway, this is all food for thought and if you're interested in reading dr. mercola's full post it can be found here: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/12/15/Baking-Soda-Used-to-Treat-Swine-Flu-85-Years-Ago.aspx?sms_ss=google
Thursday, December 10, 2009
ahhh now i can relax
just returned home from a weekend in chicago at the renegade craft fair. it was lovely and magical and all those featherheart things! top sellers were ophelia's orange blossom lotion, harold and maude tea, lavender salve, sweet nag champa love lotion, sandalwood rose peace lotion (formerly amma's rose), patchouli salve and all my headbands. people seem to be a little afraid of the salves and they took some explaining, so just wanted to let the world know that salves are one of the most amazing things you can put on your hands! my salves are olive oil and beeswax based and are meant to be extreme healing loveliness. traditionally salves are considered to be a deep healing medicinal remedy "ointment" used topically to treat dry and other skin conditions. my salves are a little more fun than that because they smell good too -- especially the patchouli salve, which i use as a body fragrance as well. even people that hate patchouli like the way i smell! so anyway, do not fear the featherheaert trading company salve, use it like lotion and love it like i do!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
a really good sweet potato recipe
5-6 yams or sweet potatoes cooked (about 2 1/2 lbs)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup butter melted
3 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons frozen concentrate orange juice (i've used fresh squeezed as well)
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons cold butter
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1. preheat oven to 350
2. in large bowl beat yams or sweet potatoes with a mixer until well mashed
3. add 1/2 cup of brown sugar, the melted butter, brandy, oj, water, vanilla and salt. beat until combined. add the slightly beaten eggs and beat mixture until smooth
4. transfer to a 2 quart baking dish
5. to make topping combine 1/2 cup brown sugar, flour and cinnamon. using a pastry blender cut in cold butter until mixture is course crumbs. stir in pecans
6. sprinkle topping over yam or sweet potatoes and bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes
This can be prepared up to 48 hours ahead of time and refrigerated. baking time may be a bit longer.
my pal elderberry or the fabulous tales of elder mother sambucus
So I was kid sitting a few months ago, pushing sweet little twins on swings and something tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was an elegant bushy elderberry tree asking me to harvest her deep purple berries! Naturally I obliged! The kids and I grabbed a big bowl and started picking! Each little berry so tender and delicate, our fingertips gingerly stained purple at the end of our picking. Of course we made sure to leave some berries for the birds.
Later I took the berries home and put them in a quart jar and filled it to the top with organic grain alcohol (but 100 proof vodka works just great too). Now I have my medicine for the winter!
Elderberries are anti-viral and a definite ally this cold and flu season! In fact studies have been done showing that our dear mother elder kicks tamiflu's ass as an effective flu remedy, delivering a much shorter flu recovery time. Elderberry has a high oxygen radical absorption capacity and a great deal of flavanoids that stimulate the immune system. This coupled with the fact that our lady has an anti-inflammatory compound called anthocyanins, make her an effective reliever of the aches and pains associated with the flu.
Proper dosage this winter is a teaspoon in water four to five times daily during infections and a teaspoon daily for maintenance for adults.
Make sure you have Elderberry tincture on hand this winter. She's a wise one!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
· Hot – herbs infused with boiling water
· Cold – occasionally there are herbs that are easily water soluble or mucilaginous. In this case you may want to make a cold water infusion by covering herbs in cold rather than hot water. Examples of these herbs may be marshmallow root, rose petals, red clover blossom and slippery elm.
· Solar infusion – healing for yin types of imbalances such as depression and mood swings. Make a hot infusion as described above and set your infusion in a warm sunny spot for several hours.
· Lunar infusion – healing for more acute, eruptive type imbalances and aids in balancing when the cooling, gentle energy of the feminine is called for. To make a lunar infusion, place your herbs in an open glass or crystal bowl. It is ideal to use fresh herbs and flowers. Cover mixture with fresh water and place directly in the moonlight. Infuse all night and drink in the morning. Perfect to do during full moons!
You can make an infusion with any herb, dry or fresh and your infusion can be single herbs or a blend. I like to do single herb infusions using dried herb. In my opinion, this is the best kind of infusion because it enables you to understand an herbs effect on you better when you ingest one herb at a time and using dry herb allows you to always have infusion herbs on hand. Plus many herbs deliver more nutrition when dried. Develop a relationship with your herbs. Ask the herbs to speak to you. What herb/s do I need today? Common herbs for infusion making are red clover, nettle, oatstraw, linden, comfrey, chamomile, licorice, dandelion, marshmallow, ginger, rose, lemon balm and red raspberry. Drinking an infusion everyday will keep you healthy and warm this winter! Try it!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
fairies and linden
Good morning my 4 followers. I was just thinking about fall and thought I might mention linden blossom as a delightful infusion this time of year. An infusion is made like a tea, only steeped longer and with more plant material. Ideally, I recommend an ounce of dried plant to a quart of water. One of the tastiest and most enjoyable infusions, the flowers of the linden tree can be enjoyed warm with a touch of honey during cold season, but is also very refreshing on ice in the summer months. It is most commonly used to soothe cough and cold symptoms and related ailments. Consuming linden flowers as a tea acts as a diaphoretic, which helps to boost the body's immune system for a while, making it more effective at fighting colds. Because linden is slightly mucilaginous, it soothes the throat and helps to break up phlegm and clear nasal and throat passages. It is anti-inflammatory and great for the heart and other cardio-vascular support. It is also a superb infusion to relax with, as it does have anxiety and stress reducing calming effects. Various studies have also shown the linden flower to be successful at treating stomach pains and relieving gas pressure as well. And by the way, fairies like linden trees!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
harold and maude
So I created this amazing tea the other day and it is quickly becoming a Featherheart Trading Co. favorite. Fashioned from oatstraw, cinnamon and cardamom -- three of my favorite flavor profiles, after a touch of honey this tea tastes a lot like a delicious oatmeal cookie. And it smells like one too. What's more, oatstraw improves coordination, bone density, length of attention span, balance, memory, clarity, ease of achieving meditative and conscious dream states and overall calmness and centeredness. It’s high in calcium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium, vitamin C and many amino acids. And as if that's not enough, oatstraw strengthens and nourishes the nerves and nervous system, making this a great tea to drink during times of emotional stress, breakdowns and breakthroughs. In addition, it’s good for the heart, clearing your blood vessels of fatty deposits, lowering cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar. And don’t be surprised if a tea of oatstraw makes you extra amorous. . . it's considered by some to be an aphrodisiac, especially if you're of the male persuasion.
And of course it's named after the film Harold and Maude in honor of the scene when Maude offers Harold a cup of oatstraw tea. Classic movie. Classic tea.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
my famous chai
As winter approaches I can’t think of anything more warming and soul reviving than a cup of hot chai. And I’m not talking about the chai you get at Starbucks, I’m talking about an amazing cup of homemade chai. I’ve been making my own chai for years and even though I drink it nearly everyday, it always seems like an indulgent treat, yet when done right, chai has incredible health benefits. To start, the herbs and spices in chai. . . cinnamon, cardamom, peppercorn, ginger, licorice and clove. These are all warming and carminative spices, meaning they aid in digestion and can really ease a gassy or bloated tummy. In addition, cinnamon is said to have amazing results in regulating blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Ginger, aside from being terrifically spicy and warm, has the potential to kick out a cold that’s trying to sneak it’s way into the body. Licorice is a great soother in both the stomach and the throat. Cardamom is one of my favorite flavors, plus it’s a digestive kick-starter and a metabolism regulator. Cloves are known to reduce inflammation and they are anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Peppercorns have an outer layer that is said to gobble fat cells. And these are just a few of the health benefits of chai’s ingredients! Together in one tea, I’m convinced these ingredients become a powerhouse of love for the body. And let’s not forget about black tea. Where to begin. . . antioxidant, anti-cancer, cholesterol lowering, anti-viral, immunity booster and on and on. Finally, no chai is complete without the addition of a little honey. Honey is a powerful medicine in it’s own right. First, honey is antibacterial. It counters infections on the skin, in the intestines, in the respiratory system and throughout the body. Second, honey is hydroscopic, a long word meaning "water loving". Honey holds moisture in the place where it is put; it can even draw moisture out of the air. These two qualities -- anti-bacterial and hydroscopic, make honey an ideal healer of wounds of all kinds, including burns, bruises and decubita (skin ulcers), an amazing soother for sore throats, a powerful ally against bacterial diarrhea, and a counter to asthma. Third, honey may be as high as 35 percent protein. This, along with the readily available carbohydrate (sugar) content, provides a substantial surge of energy and a counter to depression. Some sources claim that honey is equal, or superior to ginseng in restoring vitality. Honey's proteins also promote healing, both internally and externally. And honey is a source of vitamins B, C, D and E, as well as some minerals. It appears to strengthen the immune system and help prevent (some authors claim cure) cancer.
Just writing this makes me want to sneak away to the kitchen to prepare another cup of this hot herbal wonder! I love chai and I make the best chai ever. Get it at www.featherheartflower.etsy.com.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
my pal echinacea
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
introductions please!
Greetings from Featherheart! Welcome to my very first blog. I’m a crafty gal living in Ferndale, MI and I’m gonna blow your mind with all kinds of tips on health and wellness, plus I might just tell you a good gossipy story every now and then. Let’s see. . . where to begin. . . I moved back to Michigan not too long ago after spending the past 15 years in San Francisco. I sure do miss it there, but I was having dreams of owning a house, having a yard and garden and being able to park anywhere and everywhere, so I moved back to the place where I grew up last October and now a new journey has begun. While in San Francisco I spent 11 years in the music industry and 4 years teaching pole dancing. I guess you could say I like to reinvent myself every now and then. And these days I spend my time making magical jewelry and accessories using crystals, vintage lace, leather and feathers and I make totally amazing lotions, salves and oils. Everything is available at etsy. I am well studied in herbs and nutrition, so if you ever have a question just ask! I’m also a vintage clothing junkie and spend a lot of time scouring Michigan for total treasures! Last summer I lived and studied with world famous herbalist, shaman and green witch Susun Weed. What a trip that was. And I have spent lots of time hauling around musicians from my days in the music industry. That said, I have tons of good stories to tell about all of it, so tune in to a cup of chai frequently. You might get a useful health tip, some juicy celebrity gossip or a wonderfully witchy story! I’m here to share it all! And it’s gonna be good. Oh and I make the best chai tea in the world... soon to be available on etsy!